Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Significance of Festivals in Preserving Love, Peace and Harmony - Written by Anca Mihaela Bruma

                                                       Artwork by Anca Mihaela Bruma

In time of resilience and pragmatic approaches, festivals bring the feeling of togetherness, belongingness, connectedness. Our “victories” are tied less to the “tangibles” but more to the intangibles IMF (in the moment feeling). These festivals infuse sacredness, what is missing in our modern pragmatic life. We may wear different clothes, have different gods in different part of the world but Unity is what really the humankind is craving for, because together we are able to create the Future!

Lately some festivals became a global economic phenomena an important part of industry, it offers possibilities to expand horizons through an intense process of rituality and performances. It creates a great publicity and feeds the image and identity of the community. Nowadays there is a higher demand for cultural production and the mediating of culture. Most of the festivities are joyful communal gatherings, like vital hubs, celebrating diversity, vibrancy, traditions versus modern innovations, engaging communities in meaningful and even memorable experiences in order to strengthen the ties, underlying our sense of Self as well the connection with the community itself. If those festivals remain true to their own goal, to be also a keeper of its own identity, it enables future development for the future. Most of the festivals help us to discover WHO we are, remember from where we have come from and anticipate just where we want to go.

Evolution and evolving in life is everything, therefore, even some Ancient festival expressions have been challenged. However, there is a remarkable phenomena evolving in these modern days, where we still keep strongly the need and want for contributing creatively, positively to the community, we become co-creators inside these artistic expressions, in these festival experiences. The phenomena I am talking about is called transformational festivals, with high convergence points for cultural creators in which the main aim is to achieve transformation through inspiration. New healing and sanctuary type of festivals have been created lately, where the reconnection with the mankind as well with the Universe became the core of these transformational festivals. Ancient myths, time, space are explored, where primordial experiences are also revived, and all these became seen as future culture. We become the co-creators, the World makers, creating a “gate” to escape from all types of hierarchies and hidden agenda embedded in this very pragmatic world. In those moments we are freed to co-create and share the realization of a liberated world from fears, laws, customs, a World we mostly wish to live. The festivals are like “spaces” created to allow our own selves to get in touch with our own humanness, no more walls imposed by our routine life, which creates the idea of separateness, becoming defensive against each other. Instead, these new created models through these transformational and highly creative festivities, we share idea of living in a compatible diversity.

The emergence of these transformational festivals “impose” a new spiritual culture, one long forgotten, the one in which none is interested anymore in charismatic leaders but just in honoring the sacredness of our human being, the celebration of our togetherness, experiencing the ecstatic expressions of mankind, it is a rejoining of secular values, where unconditional love is magnified and the core belief system.

Transformational festivals also embrace feel-good values like ecological sustainability, organic food, community building and wisdom sharing and a language of neo-spirituality and personal growth is common there.

In nowadays we became more reliant on iPhones, more connected via social media, we, in fact became more disconnected from each other! A real connection is what we crave! We need IRL (In Real Life) experiences rather than diving deeply in URL’s deep “ocean”. In many parts of the words cells or internet are almost inexistent, therefore the sense of community is much stronger. Our breaks from daily routine should be transformational. Deep down we are inter-related and connected, and most of the people taste happiness in the collective experiential context. We are all stimulated by this collective effervescence, a communal joy. We are living during very competitive times, and cultural curiosity will create a predisposition, a window into the “other” and of course into our own selves, because festivals are natural barrier disintegrators. Festivals bring you face-to-face with the highest expression of the human spirit!

It is proven that local festivals have beneficial effects on the community, as it enhances the feeling of identity, besides the animated cultural life, especially if locals are involved in organizing the event, not just simply being the consumer of it. Both sides are very important for me!

Nowadays, the festivals scenes are more inclusive than before, more open to ideas and thematic stimulus. They bring something vital, which is breaking down the barriers between low and high, classical and modern, old and new. All these social festivities have something in common, despite their difference, they provide a communal experience, one which can have only in the crowd. These festivals equate, as the collective experience eradicate the social differences that we hold it on daily basis. It creates a platform for various cultures, people, or art to be combined, promoting liberality and strengthening tolerance.

Modern day festivals link culture with entertainment, trade and economic growth, and this has a social impact as it strengthens the local community and identity, thus enhancing national solidarity. Local festival may fight against the effect of globalization, therefore they present their own regional, local values, the uniqueness of their own locality and identity.

To conclude, festivals and celebrations in their present forms, can play a role for world’s Peace and Unity.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

When I Found The Love Footprints...

Poem: When I Found The Love Footprints...
Written by Anca Mihaela Bruma
Artwork by Dorina Costras

When I Found The Love Footprints…

When I found the Love footprints
I recessed… from Life… 
Ceased my earthy sojourn…

I stumbled no more
between so many lexicons of forgetting… 
Lost the cryptic utterances
of what could, might or should be,
the Truth… or False!...

I am not seeking the finding
as I do not find the seeking…
You see yourself outside you,
I see you inside myself…

When Love footprints were found
I stumbled no more between dots,
I just sniffed 
one thousand years in one day,
and quarters of heavens were built
inside my cathartic calibrations…

The eyes of a thinker
and the feeling of a knower,
a hearer of unknown traces,
the multiples within simplicity
and eternity’s dips
of these countless realities.

When I found the Love footprints
The absence became present,
and… I know:
I am pre-sent to BE
in this everlastingness fate
which sounds like a formula.

No heart geometrics,
no inner alphabets…
a sense of nothingness
in your everyness…

Future selves 
secret second selves,
connecting derivative patterns
and mathematical probabilities 
in a Pythagorean sphere of harmony.

(Anca Mihaela Bruma - November 2015)

Copyright (c) 2015 by Anca Mihaela Bruma, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit - which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged.

Anca Mihaela Bruma recitals, videos & poems here:

Soundcloud (recitals):
Yourlisten (recitals):
Youtube (video poetry with recitals):
Facebook (artist page):

Friday, December 11, 2015

Audio Poem "Hindsight" - Written and recited by Anca Mihaela Bruma / Music: Johnny Alici

Poem: Hindsight
Written and recited by Anca Mihaela Bruma
Music: Johnny Alici
Artwork: Dorina Costras

Artwork by Dorina Costras

We all need a Path... some of our paths are separated from each other but later forced to unite again... The synchronicity is inescapable!... Some paths just touch each other briefly and scatter in different directions... forever changed by the meeting,,, some come back again and again, cross Time and Space... always finding each other. Once run out of your path there are minimum chances for deviations, small moments which come into play and knock you out of the trajectory, it could be powerful to change your path, to change your Future, like an act of nature, an act of Love! Once this deviation happens you find yourself a new path... unchartered, unknown, stretching out ahead of you...


I found a clandestine translation
between our hearts...
with coagulated rhythms
of thick lines of Reality...

You and Me...
no more conjugated by a verb,
no more nouns
pleaded to be sung,
no more chorus
to fill the empty line...

My wings cannot fit,
into your story,
and my eyes stopped
describing the sound
of your body...

All you needed
was to conjugate
my 17 syllables...
so, your shadow
will not grow
under my shadow...

(Anca Mihaela Bruma - 10th October 2014)

Copyright (c) 2014 by Anca Mihaela Bruma, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit - which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged.

To see/hear live recital here:

Event: International Poetry Festival
Venue: Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
Date: 19th March 2015
Location: Abu Dhabi / UAE

Visual Poetry

Anca Mihaela Bruma recitals, videos & poems here:

Soundcloud (recitals):
Yourlisten (recitals):
Youtube (video poetry with recitals):
Facebook (artist page):

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Audio Poetry - "Rumination" - Written and recited by Anca Mihaela Bruma / Published in "The Significant Anthology"

Poem: "Rumination"
Written and recited by Anca Mihaela Bruma
Music: Johnny Alici
Artwork by Dorina Costras

Artwork by Dorina Costras

"Significant Anthology" where my poem Rumination is featured along with other 175 international poets from 30 countries. Thank you to Dr. Ampat Koshy and Reena Prasad, who made this possible! The anthology's sales will go for Autism Help Village Project Trust in Bangalore, India. Two weeks on bestseller list on Amazon - in in the categories of anthologies, poetry and short stories.

  • Paperback: 376 pages
  • Publisher: Primalogue Publishing Media Private Limited (July 20, 2015)


No more...

proclamation for

a key salvation...

with gravitational truths 

and hypodermic memories,

measured against

a polystyrene


No more...

inner conflicts

under a solar eclipse,
orbiting inside my eyes...
Outside-inside Me,
rippling rhythms
write a new stanza
of Rebirth!...

No more...
clandestine voices
lost in the paths
of Mundanity,
in this delirious tangibility,
with alternative endings
of a Babylonian Love saga...

(Anca Mihaela Bruma - 12th September 2014)

Copyright (c) 2014 by Anca Mihaela Bruma, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit - which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged.

Myself with the book "Significant Anthology"

To listen to the audio poem here:

(Free download)

Video presentation of the poem

 and the anthology

Published in the book:

An anthology of poets from all over the world

Buy it here:

Official book website here:

Published online here:

Artvilla - Poetry Life & Times
May 30th 2015

High On Poems
October 2015

More about "The Significant Anthology" book:

"The Significant Anthology contains prose pieces, autobiographical vignettes, essays, short stories and poetry. The writers range from the seasoned one to new and exciting voices brimming over with talent and gusto.

A veritable feast, the book combines a plethora of themes, ideas, styles and forms and voices. Never content to be mere onlookers, poets and writers have brought in their words, rivers of sorrow and winds of gladness evincing the sense of indivisibility of all knowledge and the sameness of the human condition everywhere.
The Significant Anthology contains prose pieces, autobiographical vignettes, essays, short stories and poetry. The writers range from the seasoned one to new and exciting voices brimming over with talent and gusto. A veritable feast, the book combines a plethora of themes, ideas, styles and forms and voices. Never content to be mere onlookers, poets and writers have brought in their words, rivers of sorrow and winds of gladness evincing the sense of indivisibility of all knowledge and the sameness of the human condition everywhere. This anthology stands for peace, for the spirit of resilience and as a defiant precedent of creativity resulting from an open invitation to experiment. Pakistani and Indian, old and young, woman and man, black and white, Muslim, Hindu, Jew and Christian, and people from all professions and walks of life or ones without jobs as well as from every continent - nestle together in these pages with no wars amongst them." Source:

Anca Mihaela Bruma recitals, videos & poems here:

Soundcloud (recitals):
Yourlisten (recitals):
Youtube (video poetry with recitals):
Facebook (artist page):