bio: Born in Rahovec, South East of Kosova,
in 1972. Graduated at Prishtina University, Oriental Studies. Actively works on Calligraphy
discovering new mediums and techniques for this specific for of plastic art. In fifteen years he operated as Independent
Scientific Researcher in the field of World Spiritual Heritage and Sacral
Esthetics. He won many literary awards in Kosovo
and abroad. He is Laureate of Gold Medal for Poetry
as Brodge to Nations- Axlepin Publishing- Philippines. He is Director of International Poetry
Festival: “Poetry and Wine”, in Kosovo
What is your writing about?
I was
struggling to find a balance between scientific research and artistic creation
concentrating in Poetry. Focusing on the quality of writing followed by experience
that is difficult to describe surely is not an easy endeavor. Writing as Vine
Arbor to grafting it…to remove excess until purity is achieved, just as gold
when going through fire to remove even rare rust. To write as we are silent, as
we are alone and do things in solitude.
What is
the relation of Man to the relation and to the Creator? What is his
Correspondence? What is Art and its difference with the Craft? What is Theurgy
and its difference with Revelation? The questions one addresses to himself and
the burst of this manifests as output via Poetry.
What does poetry mean to you?
said unfortunately it is a Word and necessarily resembles to other writing
since there’s no other medium on that scale so the message may telepathically
be conveyed to the one who receipt it. The highest form of Art is called
Poetry, perhaps because we lack a proper notion to express what I really is.
for me uses Metaphor and Description, Logic and Emotion. Personally I use the
entire being- Word or Number- Sufi Jaffr and Kabbalah’s Sefirot, Sound and
Color, Logic and Intuition, Visible, Semi-Visible and Invisible, Sonorous,
Semi- sonorous and Silent, Elements of Nature, Vegetation, Animal, Human, Love
and Not-Love, Yes, Do and No of De Bono, Koan or Sutra, Art and Craft to
emancipate it into the level of Theurgy. This is not eclecticism these are
bricks and tools to build the Tower of POETRY or better said The Temple.
Building the Altar
The trustees have
been assembled
The man, Homo Faber,
Homo Gnosticus,
The Theurgist Angeloid,
Eudemon, Jinni,
Angel, Archangel and
A long discussion
brought few conclusions
The temple must be
the mortal shall
recognize the shape of the Soap bubble
at the utmost deep
valley of the heart where
the Turquoise emerald
and dark green evergreen
gives freshness to
the entire being
At the place turned
toward the Sun
in exact proportion
at the top of the
The Oceanic one
The Oceanic one
called Benthos
Huge crystalline
table elliptic shape shall be filled
with nouns,
adjectives, adverbs, verbs,
numbers, spheres,
pyramids and all pots
terracotta porcelain
diamond goblets with
crystallized dews of
thus it shall all
resemble the constellation
of all imaginable,
and unimaginable
when the Souls of all
sorts come by
to offer their
quintessence at the front
of this Altar nothing
but Love Divine shall
unfurl its texture
from the role of the Universe
…for God
knows from how many flowers bee has taken the nectar to produce a lump of honey
How did you discover the Sufi World?
I was
born as European Muslim inheriting a Sufi Tradition from my Family and its
Spiritual Development in this realm. As for my education and refine I have
studied from the World Spiritual Heritage and in particular a Transcendental
Legacy and Treasures finding the Beauty of Mankind in all this palette of
Diversity of the same reality. I do promote the Unity in Diversity.
My aim
as artist is to offer a Spiritual Love through Poetry and Painting/ Calligraphy,
to the entire Mankind and promote this value we all have to rejoice.
Mr. Shehu, how do you balance Painting/
Calligraphy with Poetry?
contemplation, no Force no Action, Being. I work simultaneously in several
works of Art. Depends which Creative Impulse prevails.
How do you transfer your spiritual insights
into poetry?
Writing the muttered word
the swallowed one... Often I say: We lack Terrestrial Vocabulary for the
Celestial Quest. Indeed a difficult process. I write as I’m silent, as I speak
to myself. No confessions, no Psychiatrist, My self the Remembrance of Self the
Gurdijjeff-ian Remembrance of Self. Cognitive process for spiritual insights
and those last then outpouring either into canvas or paper.
Love for Poetry means to you a Love for Mankind?
If I’m
allowed to be greedy and possessive because everybody says my World, my Country,
my Nation my this my that etc., then I say my China is not the one of Mao but
Laou Tse, my India is not of Jaina Taycoons but one of Mahawir, Vivekananda and
Ramakrishna, my Spain is not of Inquisition but the Spain of Cervantes, Miro,
Ibn Arabi, Maimonides, Averroes, my Romania is not of Nicolae Ceaușescu
but Romania of Mircea Eliade and Mihai Eminescu, My Iraq is not of Sadam
Hussein but of Babylon, Nineveh, and Rabia Al Adewiyya, thus and yes my World
is the one of Mother Teresa all embracing one.
What is
your experience with poetry festival?
A) As an organizer of ”Poetry and Wine” Literary Festival
B) As a participant to other poetry festivals
As an organizer I think in two categories, one as Poet and
another as Facilitator. As poet surely I did not read but was able to see
people for the first time and people who never knew each other before had the
opportunity to meet, exchange books, and collaborate in the future. As a
facilitator to other poets a gatherings such as festivals are huge
responsibility and exhaustive, yet the pleasure remains and continues. As an
organizer you should understand that it is pretty huge burden but the felling
of responsibility and strengthening the relationships, unification with others,
new contacts, contribution to the World Literary scene, this also means economic
growth for the particular area. In such events there’s no losers, everybody
gains physically, artistically and spiritually.
Poetry Festivals have broadened not only my experience as poet
in terms of getting to know directly from the reading of the others, their
perspectives, their trends etc., they are also helpful in creation of Human and
Artistic Bonds.
experience have you gained from such literary exposures?
It all depends how much you impede seriously, how much effort
and dedication, how much you are open to others. My experience is always
incredible. I love Earth, I love every country and I wish to visit all
countries. And every poet brings some distinction from her/his culture and
heritage. The real magic happens in follow up after everything is gone.
Communication afterwards, collaboration, book exchange etc.
What do
you know about KIBATEK in general? Have you heard about this Literary Foundation
before or just recently?
I have heard of KIBATEK earlier as I was invited some years ago
in Izmir, Turkey but could not attend due to personal justified reasons. I have
also been invited by respected Leyla Isik
to attend in Italy but it was amidst my Festival so I again could not attend
and contribute. I really look forward the upcoming edition.
are you expectations in relation of KIBATEK 40 Global Poetry Festival?
I am looking forward to get to know other people, their work,
contribute to the festival with debate and active participation.
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